SAVA AURORA SR3.0カーボンロードバイクは、軽量で高性能な自転車で、熱心なサイクリストや競技ライダーに最適です。先進的なカーボンファイバーフレームを備えたシマノ 優れたコンポーネントと空力設計により、このバイクはスピード、敏捷性、快適さの比類ない組み合わせを提供します。自己ベストタイムを樹立したい場合でも、単にオープンロードでスムーズな走行を楽しみたい場合でも、SAVA AURORA SR3.0 は真剣なサイクリストにとって理想的な選択です。この最高級カーボンロードバイクの機能と利点を今すぐご確認ください。
- T800 カーボンファイバーフレーム、フォーク、シートポスト
- 軽量バイクの重量は8.9kg( 19.62ポンド
- エアロダイナミックフレーム
- シマノ ソラ 2*9=18 スピード
- テクトロVブレーキシステム
- 700x25C コンチネンタルタイヤ
- KMCZ9チェーン
- 中空で快適なサドル
- 無料のペダルには
- UCI承認
- 90%組み立て済み

Rejecting the Use of a Single Bicycle Frame for the Entire Bike
We have independently invested in modeling after team research and multiple testing phases for various bicycle models,primarily to enhance safety performance and riding experience.

Aerodynamic carbon fiber frame
Unmatched speed and aerodynamic prowess with the SAVA Aurora V3, featuring a cutting-edge airfoil frame design for optimal airflow efficiency.

High-performance aluminum alloy wheelset
Combining lightweight durability and precision engineering for a smooth and responsive cycling experience.
Carbon fiber parts
Crafted from premium carbon fiber, this bicycle boasts a lightweight frame, seat post, and fork. Renowned for strength and agility, the carbon components ensure a smooth ride, superior vibration absorption, and responsive handling, elevating your cycling journey.

Carbon fiber frame & seatpost
Cutting-edge carbon fiber bike frame: lightweight, robust, and performance-enhancing.

Carbon fiber fork
The carbon fiber front fork not only reduces the weight of the entire vehicle, but also reduces vibrations during riding, thereby improving speed and stability.

Optimized Control with V-Brakes for Responsive Braking
Enhance your biking experience with our V-brake system, delivering reliable stopping power and precise control on every ride. Enjoy superior performance and safety with our advanced braking technology
Unleash Performance with Shimano Sora Groupset
Experience seamless shifting, enhanced power transfer, and reliable performance with the Shimano Sora groupset. Elevate your ride with precision engineering and cutting-edge technology for a cycling experience like never before



シマノ ソラ 2*9 18 スピード


700C*25C コンチネンタルタイヤ
低い転がり抵抗、高い耐久性、優れたトラクション: 幅広い種類のバイクやモデルと互換性があります
